In Southern California, The billionaire chairman of Los Angeles-based Mercury Insurance Company is sponsoring a ballot measure that would legalize surcharges of hundreds of dollars for automobile insurance, penalize good drivers for accidents that are not their fault, and lead to more uninsured motorists. Under the proposal, aimed at the June 2010 ballot, people who stop driving for more than three months or were previously uninsured would be forced to pay more when they restart their insurance. These include laid-off employees, recent graduates, retirees forced back to work, people buying insurance for the first time and residents who move away from cities with good mass transit systems. Such surcharges are currently unlawful under the 1988 insurance reform law, Proposition 103, but Mercury has repeatedly violated that and other state insurance laws.
These are few two of MANY examples of how quietly Insurance companies are out (as much as they can) to minimize claims and maximize profits. The bizarre thing about this sleazy business is somehow in the Press, the current state of the Nations Health Care is being made to look as if it actually WORKS for YOU! I am simply dumbfounded by the tone of the National "Debate" on health care. Who are these freaks speaking up for the Insurance companies that are out to do as little as possible, charge as much as possible, and eliminate as many risks as possible? Who are they? A Government option will force the insurance companies from continuing their "mission statement" to rip off insurance policy holders as effectively as possible. "Big Government" is being blathered on right wing talk radio as a bad thing. Its NUTS, absolutely NUTS! Wasn't the strategic National response to Pearl Harbor "Big Government"? Wasn't FDR's New Deal "Big Government?" Those projects like the Hoover Dam, Tennessee Valley Authority, Social Security, the Interstate Highway System and don't forget the Space Program, yes Virgina, we got to the MOON with the help of "Big Government". How American and Patriotic is THAT??? And if we do not ALL participate and ALL pitch in, what is the opposite of "all"? Wouldn't it be "one person" and wouldn't that be a Dictatorship?
The fact that the press (and insurance companies, and right wing nut jobs) have convinced many that we should keep this rigged system as is, should be a wake up call. As the so called debate goes on, I think the masses will wake up to the facts and wake up to the truth, the Insurance companies don't care about you, only that your premiums and your Employer's premiums, are paid on time. That's it. They are in it for the money. No pretty ad can cover up the stench of these sleazeballs. Let your Congressman know where YOU stand. Let them hear your voice. scream louder than the loonies...and let's fight back!
Once we GET a public option, the next thing we should do is go after the FDA. The Food and Drug Administration is the flimsiest Government body ever. Its RUN by the Food Corporations! Colonel Sanders and General Mills call the shots baby! and there is no governance. Anything and everything that can fit in a tube, bottle or box, IS made for human consumption in the USA. I would say that 9 1/2 of 10 Aisles in the average grocery store are packed with ingredients that will kill you and end your life sooner than it should. These ingredients cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease. Its a mess! and the odds are stacked against the avg. fast food eating, grab some more chicken wings and beer American. The Worlds Greatest Country deserves better. Our kids deserve better. Don't you think? Preventative Doctor visits, diet and exercise, all the things suggested as the optimum American way of life, Corporations, are out to eliminate. There is more money in "treating" everyone for being sick. And if your not sick, there is a VERY strong media to convince people they just might be. Come on, who are you kidding? You HAVE to be sick, you ate Twinkies!!! Lots of them! They have a shelf life of 600 years!...its going to get you. Its Jet Fuel! There is NO money in a cure...the cash is in treating the symptoms. The big money is in the testing, but only after its too late. With so called "Modern Medicine" You would think things might get better, but the recession, (The GREAT recession) oh it set us back, big time. cheap "comfort" food "dollar menu baby!!!" Staying home and "cocooning" is in. Reality TV (which had nothing to do with the recession), the reality, many people stay in and watch people live so called "real lives" on TV (Who in the Hell is this "Kate" person anyway? and WHY don't they call HER the Octomom??? How did she get center stage on "People", and who reads this crap? You know who? Fat Americans, thats who!!! when in actuality, the new reality is a trip to the couch (is that couch paid for? ok that's another story)... a trip to the fridge, back to the couch and then back to the fridge... to the couch... to the fridge and off to the bed. (and the modern American cant sleep anyway) There is a pill for that, too!
When and where does it all end? I'm counting on you to do something about this mess. I'm sick of writing. This subject, ah it makes me sick to my stomach.
I promise a happy story next blog.