Is there any day with more hope than Christmas? Christmas is a walk with your childhood. Christmas is about giving. Christmas seems to bring out the kid in all of us no matter what stage of life we are in. Its like a wedding day, and a funeral, and a birthday all at the same time. Like a wedding, things happen at Christmas you NEVER forget. Like a wedding, you have nerves and excitement. Like a wedding, somehow, something doesn't go exactly as it was planned, and its the imperfections that "make" days like Christmas so special. Like a wedding people laugh... and people cry. Like a wedding, Christmas is about family. The family that's there, the family you miss. Like a funeral, Christmas is a time when you look back and think about good times and bad. Like a funeral Christmas is a time for reflection. Like a birthday (and it IS a birthday, somehow this is forgotten sometimes) there are gifts, and there is celebration. Like a birthday, Christmas is one of those days where you really try to get the most out of the entire day, where throughout the day, something special is planned ....sharing gifts, and the meals are all special...like a birthday, everything is just THAT much better at Christmas. But... Like some birthdays, sometimes the entire day is a Huge disappointment. Like some Birthdays, they are not always so pleasant. And like a lousy birthday, you don't forget the lousy Christmas days. And I don't want to say they are a badge of honor or anything, but if you start sharing you "bad Christmas stories, everybody has them to share... But I don't want to end this on a sad note. Christmas is special. We celebrate the birth of our saviour, and we share gifts and time with those we care about. I wanted to share this special moment when my 4 year old came out to see what Santa left for her.... she counted every day leading up to Christmas, starting the day after Halloween (who needs Thanksgiving??? Kids don't get that day. For a kids calendar, its Halloween, then CHRISTMAS!!) She was so grateful for her gifts she wanted to go back to the Mall to see Santa on Christmas day to thank him.
I don't think there is anything to add to that. She gets it.
Merry Christmas!
Hope you had a great and special day.