Friday, December 26, 2008

The BIG DUMP of 2008

Snow Snow Snow... EVERYWHERE! It has fallen...and fallen... and it seemed like it would never stop. The big dump of Seattle, will be fondly remembered for how it kept our little family firmly planted in our house (like a mine version of "the shinning" except no one got crazy...yet. Even our uber expensive SUV got stuck in a snowbank right in front of our house (the snowbank showed up the next day after the trucks came to move snow to the side of the road, pretty much sticking us to the side of the road. (I couldn't park in the driveway because that little black gate in the locked up. I was pulled out of the snowbank by a friendly neighbor with a Hummer, who used winch ( I think that's what you call it) It was a thing of beauty. I cant remember a white Christmas THIS white, EVER. It snowed and snowed on Christmas. Very cool. So I guess be careful what you ask for. We got more than our share of the white stuff this year in Seattle.
Merry Christmas to all!

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