Friday, February 6, 2009

The Caveman and the Valentine

I've found a little game about a month ago to take my mind of "stuff" you know, things like paying bills and keeping my job... Online POKER! And this isn't a blurb on Poker, although I could tell you a bunch of stuff about the game that I have learned from playing it online these last 3 or 4 weeks, but I wont bore you with it. There is a connection though between Poker and Dating...many connections. That is, people see what they want to see. They really do. As we approach the Holiday that men fear and women love... Valentines Day...I guess, depending on where your love life is this time of the year, we have a movie coming out this weekend about going through life with the blinders on. We all do it...we see what we want to see. The shocker to many is really just coming to grips with the obvious (obvious to everyone but you). When He or She, is just not that into you. Now its not always the case. Sometimes people play a little poker and not try to show their hand too quickly, and play hard to get. When we see what we want to see, we sometimes come to this conclusion. We send out our "spies", (friends) to help us read the object of our affection, look for tid bits...and if we don't have the luxury of a buddy who can snoop for us, we draw our own, sometimes way off base conclusions on just how much so is into us. For those of us who are married, this intrigues us to share in the mystery of it all with our friends who are in this spot. I completely enjoy helping my Nanny read these guys she is dating, and helping her "de-code" all of the things they do and what it all means. I don't know why uncertainty of this sort is so much fun, but it is. Some mysteries we like. There is no mystery to Valentines Day. Its is one big giant, unavoidable WHACK! that women like to think will tell them EXACTLY where they stand...and I guess they are right. You cant blow off Valentines day if your dating, or if you are recently married. Few guys can take a Holiday from the V Day, oh noooo. I will let you in on a secret. 98 percent of all guys think its SUCH a scam, but we give in to all the baloney and buy the chocolates...the flowers...the tacky pink thong....the dinner of "insanity"...all of that to avoid going to the doghouse. The pressure and the stress for some guys is unbearable. I've seen guys do all sorts of goofy things for their girlfriends, using this day to "make up day" for their mistakes... (The Hail Mary) This ONLY works in the movies... and then I know guys who go in the other direction and break up with women just before Thanksgiving and don't date again until March. We call them Cavemen. Those Cavemen who brave the Holiday season with a girlfriend, they don't sweat Valentines Day... The Caveman V D strategy kicks in at about 4pm ON Valentines Day. I come from that school and I will see my fellow Cavemen at the card shop on the night of the 14th...the NIGHT of th 14th. , or even better, a Supermarket, where they sell cards, flowers and beer all in the same place! (Nirvana) Its so funny to go to the Card area to see all these guys doing the pseudo mad scramble over the cards that are leftover. They don't care what it is...they do a quick scan and buy it! Buy the card and check -the -box! Buy the flowers online and "check -the- box" Its out of the way...done. Over what? 5-10 minutes of fun in the dark? No wonder!.. And so it goes. Enjoy the card... the roses... the candy...enjoy the little teddy bear...enjoy it ALL. We love you! Really... we do!

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