Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Death of Kwanzaa

Its almost about that time of year when you might start hearing about the Holiday that isnt. Nooooo I'm not talking about Black Friday, I'm talking about Kwanzaa!!!! Kwanzaa is the Holiday you cant really talk about because no one wants to be politically incorrect. Some of us though, really DO want to know "whats the deal with Kwanzaa? About 5 years ago,"Kwanzaa" showed up on hallmark cards, and in local and National television news stories. How did Kwanzaa make the jump from 60's radical idea, to "Hallmark" type mainstream celebration?

Kwanzaa was created by an American, Maulana (Ron) Karenga in 1966 to symbolize African family values...and to give blacks an alternative to Christmas. Karenga was also founder of United Slaves, a violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers and a dupe of the FBI. The roots of Kwanzaa are nefarious indeed. I dont care how benificial the concept of the Holiday is to some. The very essence was/is to create an "us vs. them" divide, around arguably the World's most unifying Holiday. How wrong is that? The answer to my question about how Kwanzaa has been legitamized over the last 5 years in America's National Psyche is, "I have no idea!"

Enter President Barack Obama. What do you think Obama will do with Kwanzaa? Can you say "Cant touch this"? America will follow Obama's lead on small matters like this, and Obama will leave Kwanzaa A-lone. I'm guessing in about six years it will be completely dead, as it should be. So Hallmark, are you listening? Mainstream Network News, let it go! We dont need any more made up Holidays to divide us. We have Christmas, Hanukkah, ...and Festivus for the rest of us.

Work for you?

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