Elvis Costello. Elvis Costello rocks my world. I feel lucky to have been around the same time EC wrote his songs, to the point where listening to his greatest hits feels like a soundtrack to my life. Allison, Pump it up!. Whats so special about peace, love, and understanding? Watching the detectives, Shipbuilding, Love for tender, Radio, Radio, and So like Candy. But hey, I feel the same way about Prince, too. Party like its 1999...and the Boss! Jungleland and Born to Run. Tom Petty, "Wont back down"... and lets put on a little John Mellencamp -Pink houses and *Poof* I'm instantly a hell of lot younger as I hear Mr Mellencamp say "Aint that America"... and I can track time and places with the one hit wonders like Nick Gilder's "Hot Child in the City" (Who doesn't like this song? and did you know Nick is a GUY? Always sounded like a girl to me ) and Steely Dan's Aja - I close my eyes and I'm on the beach in L.A. OK, so where the hell am I going besides memory lane towards Manhattan Beach? The mother of all applications for the iPhone (The World's BEST Gadget in the history of gadgets), LAST FM. magically and wonderfully plays your favorite music. You put in your favorite artist or song and LAST FM finds the artist and the song, and then it goes one better, it keeps playing the genre of songs from other artist... without a commercial!!!! Its CRAZY cool awesome all at the same time. Its like having your own little DJ playing your favorite songs. There is also a nice detailed "Bio" on the artist that brings back the long lost idea of learning something about the band, something peope used to do, and also spinning the record on my finger (that you still cant do that anymore). If you really like the song, just add it to your playlist. (I just added the English Beat "Tears of a clown" Boom!... AND GET THIS, it shows the band's TOUR dates, for like RIGHT NOW. Attending the concert?, there is a tab to indicate if your planning to go..or you might go, and then it takes you to a map of where the concert location. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? It THEN links you to your BUDDIES, where you can see who is going to the concert!!! Lets say you just broke up with Zack or Mia... no Problemo, LAST FM gives you a list of other peeps hitting up your tunes, and also GOING to your SHOW!!! (Hey... the Killers - December 14th at the Gibson in LA OR Dec 9th at the WaMu in Seattle (I saw them last summer, and the Killers R-O-C-K!) I mean, you could get a date for a concert AND meet your SOULMATE, all at the same time ! This is one unreal application for people who like music and gadgets, and people with gadgets and music. Its the motherload of music! You can also send songs to your friends!!! Better than the shuffle on your iPod - I like it that the next song is a total mystery, BUT it will likely be in your "wheelhouse" - Like Al Green's "Love and Happiness" its makes you do right, and make you do wrong...make you come home early, and stay out all night long...its the power of love". Now who doesn't love AL Green!!! Babies born last night, instantly move their new booty's to Al Green. I LOVE this gadget!!! Last FM is da BOMB!
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